The grand finale! The entire group at their final destination, Crescent Beach, Cape Elizabeth, ME


Please support John Bottero in his fundraising effort "Pedaling to Power the Future"

As the Executive Director at Owls Head Transportation Museum, I am thrilled to be part of the vision that will propel the Museum into the future. Several years ago, I set a goal to cycle across America and see this vast country under human power. On May 29th my journey began from Portland, Oregon, to begin a 47-day, 15-state, 3,800-mile adventure that will bring me back home to Portland, Maine, by mid-July. 

Please consider making a donation towards our goal of $200,000 which will be applied to the Museum’s capital campaign. Thanks to an anonymous donor, EVERY donation that is made will be MATCHED! Meaning, your contributions will have double the impact and your support will continue to build the Owls Head Transportation Museum as one of the great Midcoast Maine resources for community and visitors alike.


Follow along as John pedals towards home

Click on each post for more images from the road.